Strolling through Vienna: Evliya Çelebi's Vienna

The tour of Vienna, organised as part of Turkologentag 2023 on 21.09.2023 and 22.09.2023 at 13:00 hour, will cover the general history of the city, but will focus mainly on the 17th century Vienna and more specifically on the places mentioned by Evliya Çelebi, who visited the city during this period. If you would like to join the tour, please send an e-mail to by 15 September. The quota is limited to 15 people, so the list will be on a first come, first served basis. 

General information about the tour

  • Organised by: Ercan Akyol, Universität Wien
  • Duration: ~ 90 minutes, free of charge
  • Language: Turkish / English
  • Date & Place: 21.09.2023 and 22.09.2023, 13:00 - University of Vienna, Oriental Studies


Viyana’da Bir Gezinti: Evliya Çelebi'nin Viyanası

Turkologentag 2023 kapsamında 21.09.2023 ve 22.09.2023 tarihlerinde saat 13:00'te düzenlenecek Viyana turu, şehrin genel tarihini içermekle birlikte esas olarak 17. yüzyıl Viyana'sına ve daha özelde bu dönemde şehri ziyaret etmiş olan Evliya Çelebi'nin sözünü ettiği yerlere odaklanacak. Tura katılmak isteyenlerin 15 Eylül tarihine kadar  adresine bir mail atması yeterli olacaktır. Kontenjan 15 kişiyle sınırlıdır, bu sebeple öncelik sırasına göre liste belirlenecektir.

Turla ilgi genel bilgiler

  • Düzenleyen: Ercan Akyol, Universität Wien
  • Süre: ~ 90 dakika, ücretsiz
  • Dil: Türkçe / İngilizce
  • Tarih & Yer: 21.09.2023 ve 22.09.2023, 13:00 - Viyana Üniversitesi, Şarkiyat Bölümü


Ottoman / Turkish Heritage in Vienna

Türkengedächtnis (website in German)

Ottoman-Turkish Monuments in Austria (Google Maps)



Museums & Sights

Museum of Natural History

Weltmuseum (Museum of Ethnology)

Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (Museum of Fine Arts)


MAK – Museum of Applied Arts

Wien Museum (Vienna Museum)

Museum of Military History

Jewish Museum Vienna

Vienna Museum of Science and Technology

Ephesos Museum

Children's Museum


Schönbrunn Palace

Austrian National Library

Mozarthaus Vienna


Current Exhibitions

THE 1873 VIENNA WORLD’S FAIR REVISITED: Egypt and Japan as Europe’s “Orient”, MAK – Museum of Applied Arts

Around the World in 80 Coins, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

INSIDES - Behind the scenes of the Natural History Museum Vienna | Photographic insights by Stefan Oláh, Museum of Natural History

Big City / Small Format - Vienna in Postcards, Wien Museum