The Society of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung, GTOT) is an academic umbrella organisation and special interest group founded in Istanbul, June 2011.
GTOT members are scholars and students of different disciplines. GTOT members employ methods of philology, history, linguistics, social sciences, literary or cultural studies and work on Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, Central Asia and the Caucasus as well as on the languages and cultures, the history and present age of turkophone ethnic groups, dynasties and states and all ethnic groups living in these societies. Consequently, the Society has an interdisciplinary and trans-regional orientation. It offers its services as an umbrella organisation to scholars who use sources in original languages in their work and the above-mentioned linguistically defined groups. The society is also a place for students and junior scholars. It aims at being a forum for professional academic exchange.
The foremost priority of Society of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies is the advancement of research on this multifarious and geographically vast area and its representation in the public sphere and research politics. GTOT envisages itself as an organisation operating on an European platform.